Eastern Colorado Council of Black Nurses Association Sole Hope Party
November 22, 2014
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Blair Caldwell
African-American Research Library
2401 Welton St.,
Denver, CO 80205
Immediately following the Denver Section’s 9:30 am
general body meeting
Email Us at DenverSectionNCNW@gmail.com for more information
Please see video on children who have parasites enter their feet that eat through their bones, and disable them from walking in Uganda Africa because they do not have shoes
This party will be to gather blue jeans and plastics from two gallon milk jugs and 2 liter soda bottles (rinsed out) to cut in preparation of making shoes. For each set of shoes and supplies, we’ll each need to donate $10, which pays for shipping and pays the person in Uganda to actually put them together. Please bring blue jeans and plastic gallons to meeting, which starts at 9:30AM
Some ECCBN members will come and host the Sole Hope Party as well as give us more information on African missions and their organization
This is an economic empowerment project as well as a health project and Affiliates Assembly collaboration with international reach to Africa
To learn more, visit: www.solehope.org